Welcome to my blog.. ^^

I was born in Semarang, Indonesia on June 17, a woman who tries to be unusual.. Anyone who goes in search of knowledge Allah will facilitate for him the way to syorga. (Narrated by Muslim). Enough to motivate me to always learn, exchange knowledge and to us, try to not only be a success, but to be someone who is worth ....
.. and midwifery is my way
I am a midwife,
Alumni DIII Kebidanan UNISSULA Semarang 2008,
Bidan Pendidik STIKES Karya Husada Semarang 2011,
n Process to S2 amin..
To be educator n pracititioner on midwifery..
Long life education
Religion without science is blind. Science without religion is Paralyzed .. (AlbertEinstein)
For those who want to copy and paste the article in the JBD, coment, sharing etc. contact me: email: diiediahwidy@gmail.com
welcome to my blog.. ^^
bidan diah