Who Actually Suharto?


Month of November 41 last year, General Suharto, who had successful takes Bung Karno, send a team consisting of Prof. economy. Sadli, Prof. Soemitro Djoyohadikusumoh, and a graduate of Berkeley University economics professor US-because the economic team is also referred to as the 'Berkeley Mafia'-to Switzerland. They want to hold a meeting with a number of world Jewish-led conglomerate Rockefeller.
In Switzerland, as can be seen from the documentary by John Pilger titled "The New Ruler of the World 'which can be downloaded at situsyoutube, General Suharto's economic team is telling mortgaged all the natural wealth of this country before the Rockefeler cs. With good as his stomach, they mengkavling archipelago-plots and gave it to the Jewish entrepreneurs. Gunung gold handed over to Freeport in Papua, Aceh's oil fields to Exxon, and so on. the Law of Foreign Investment (FDI Act) of 1967 was designed in Switzerland, indulging the desires Jewish entrepreneurs.
Until this moment, when Suharto had died and been buried in the family cemetery near Imogiri, in a land with a height of 666 meters above sea level (!?), Robbery of the entire country's natural wealth still went ahead and did exceptionally liberal Jews by the corporate world. The result can be seen everywhere: the poverty rate in this country increasingly bloated, more and more children drop out of school, more and more small children wandering the highways, more and more parents despair and suicide, more and more crazy people wandering in the villages, more and more crime, more and more cases of corruption, and a series of more indisputable facts if this country was gliding to the brink of collapse. Suharto was the mastermind of all this.
But who would have thought, even though they had a lot of scientific books written by scholars from home and abroad about how abominable performance in the current rule of General Suharto in power for over 32 years kuarng, with millions of facts and documents are indisputable, but the name of Suharto still it is considered by some non-fragrant. Some even suggested that the figure is so ridiculous that by Bung Karno is referred to as the General Stubborn (Dutch: Koepeg) awarded as a national hero and given the title of the nation's teachers. Although laughable, but it is a fact.
Therefore, this paper tried to explain what it is about General Suharto. So that at least, they are considered viable given the title teacher Suharto nation or a national hero, should be bermuhasabah and perform deeper reflection, it is true that such actions.
Historical fact should be upheld, a Suharto guilty or not should be decided by the way the law via the courts. Is very presumptuous calling the people to forgive the sins of the Suharto before we all know what sins Suharto because he had never brought to justice.
This paper will attempt to capture the journey of a Suharto, before and after becoming president. So that no more of thought that says, "Let Suharto had one, but he still had a lot to build this country. Results and development work we can feel together today. See, many magnificent buildings stood in Jakarta, the streets of protocol large and smooth, strong highway, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah is cheap, and so on. Clearly, however, Suharto made a large contribution in building this country! "
Or there is no one who said, "The Age of Suharto better than now, the price of goods can be cheap, not like now that completely expensive. Would be better if we go back to the Suharto era ..." Only people Suhartoislah, who received part of the feast of hot money in the New Order era and may well now, who dared utter it. Or if not, yes it could be, they are the people who have not been enlightened. (Rd / continued)
Suharto was born in Kemusuk, Argomulyo, Yogyakarta, June 8, 1921, from family farmers who embrace kejawen. The family's belief in the future to continue maintenance of the old days. His career started as a bank employee in the countryside, though not for long.
He was also a laborer and then take the first military career as a KNIL soldiers under the Dutch colonial army contingents. When the Japanese invaded in 1942, Suharto joined PETA. When Sukarno proclaimed independence, Suharto joined the TKR.
One of the 'achievements' of Suharto's military often its stated during his rule was General Offensive March 1, 1949 on Yogyakarta. Even the 'achievement' was deliberately filmed under the title 'Janur Yellow' (1979) which shows if the general strike was initiated and led by Lieutenant Colonel Suharto. In fact, the real general strike was initiated by Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX. Hamengkubuwono IX was the general who led the attack against the Netherlands. Hamengkubuwono IX is a nationalist who has a concern about the fate of his people, because he did not want to at JAJAH. (See biography of Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX).
In 1959, Suharto, who was then serving as military commander of Diponegoro fired by Nasution with disrespect because Suharto has used its military institutions to collect money from the companies in Central Java. Suharto was then also caught participated illegal activities such as smuggling of sugar and cotton with Bob Hasan and Liem Sioe Liong.
To facilitate the smuggling, established shipping companies to conduct controlled Bob Hasan. It is said that, in carrying out this illicit business, Bob uses the ships 'Indonesian Overseas' proprietary CM Chow. Who C.M. Chow's? He was a double agent. In 1950 he became a secret agent of the Japanese military in Shanghai. But he was the representative of Mao Tse Tung, in recruiting overseas Chinese from the Japanese to the Asian communist network.
In 1943, Chow was assigned to Japan to Jakarta. When Japan pull out of Indonesia, Chow remains in Jakarta and opened the first shipping business in this country. Chow not only foster Chinese citizens in Central and East Java, but also in Sumatra and Sulawesi. One is a surrogate father Eddy Tansil and Hendra Rahardja surnamed Tan. Tan Mao merupakansleeping agent in East Indonesia. In the mid-1980s, Hendra Rahardja and Sioe Liong Liem set up a factory in Fujian, China (Who Actually Suharto; Eros Djarot; 2006).
Nasution was then very angry that want to oust Suharto of AD and dragged him to the military tribunal, but at the urging of Gatot Subroto, Suharto finally released and sent to SSKAD (School of Staff and Command of the Army). Besides Nasution, Yani was also upset over the act and later Suharto Suharto's name crossed out from the list of participants in SSKAD, which makes it one of Suharto grudge against Yani. Moreover Amad is the favorite Yani Bung Karno.
Pranoto Rekso Samoedro appointed Colonel sebagaiPangdam Diponegoro replace Suharto. Pranoto, the officers 'students', withdraw all facilities owned by Suharto Diponegoro military lent to Chinese entrepreneurs for their own interests. Suharto was hurt and revenge against Pranoto, also against Nasution and Yani.
In SSKAD, Suharto nominated to become Chairman of the Senate. But DI. Panjaitan balked saying he did not believe the Suharto are judged not to be trusted because it has a lot of dirty notes in Kair military, such as the smuggling of Chinese entrepreneurs with the pretext of building unity, but what happens is to enrich himself.
Suharto over the incident very angry. Grow again vengeance Suharto, in addition to Nasution, Yani, Pranoto, now Panjaitan. Strange but true, the events of October 1, 1965, the enemies of Suharto-Nasution, Yani, and Panjaitan-be assassination targets, while Suharto himself who is the second person in the AD is not in the list of deaths.
And when Yani was killed, Bung Karno lifted Pranoto Rekso Samudro as Chief of Army Staff, however Pranoto so Suhartolah thwarted by Suharto, who took over leadership of the army, so as to avoid bloodshed and perangsaudara-because Siliwangi in West Java (Ibrahim Adjie) and Marines ( Marines) in East Java has vowed to be back and if Sukarno Sukarno ordered to 'sweep' the power of Suharto in Jakarta, then they are ready to fight-then swore Suharto Sukarno as Commander of the Army on October 14, 1965. (1).
After World War II, the United States sees Russia as the only party that could hinder its hegemony over the world. Marshall Plan was launched in an effort to stem the influence of communism that are becoming widespread, from Eastern Europe towards South Asia, a strategic region of the world trade and geopolitics, is also very rich in natural resources as well as human. The U.S. is very worried if the occupied Soviet territories. Of all countries in the region, Indonesia was the one the country's most strategic and most wealthy. The U.S. is well aware of this, because it's in the Indonesian region is the only region called the Marshall Plan.
But to beat Indonesia, the U.S. obviously difficult because the country is being led by an unruly, smart, and slick. He is the Bung Karno. There is no other way, this person must be overthrown, in many ways. History has recorded well how the CIA directly involved rebellions against authority Bung Karno. The CIA also maintains its cadres in the field of education (which later spawned Mafia Berkeley), approaching and political parties riding on his behalf (for example via PSI), cells develop proxies in the army (local army friend) and so on. After many unsuccessful attempts to pry Bung Karno and even want to kill him, finally at the end of 1965 half, Bung Karno successfully removed.
After the events of October 1, 1965, secarade facto, General Suharto to control this country. The third week until early 1966, General Suharto slaughtered his accomplices assigned number may reach millions of people. Those killed were those who were accused of the cadres or sympathizers of communist (PKI), without passing through the court process yangfair. International media silence over crimes against humanity that exceeds Polpot regime in Cambodia, because it greatly benefited the United States.
The fall of Sukarno and the rise of General Suharto was celebrated with great joy by Washington. Even President Nixon called it "The greatest gift of Southeast Asia". A country with a very strategic region, rich in natural resources, all minerals, and so this has been brought under control and in a short time will be a 'cash cow' for the triumph of Western imperialism.
Sure enough, November, 1967, General Suharto commissioned a team of pro-US economists see para'bos' Jewish International in Switzerland. Doctoral dissertation Brad Sampson, dariNorthwestern UniversityAS trace the historical facts in the early New Order Indonesia. Prof. Jeffrey Winters was appointed as promoters. Indonesianis Australian dalamThe John Pilger New Rulers of The World, citing Sampson and wrote:
"In the month of November 1967, following the capture of 'greatest gift' (the term the U.S. government to Indonesia after Sukarno fell and was replaced by Suharto), the catch was divided. The Time Life Corporation sponsored a special conference in Geneva, Switzerland, which in three days discussing the Indonesian takeover strategy.
The participants include the entire capitalist most influential in the world, people like David Rockefeller. All the corporate giants represented Western oil companies and banks, General Motors, Imperial Chemical Industries, British Leyland, British American Tobacco, American Express, Siemens, Goodyear, the International Paper Corporation, U.S. Steel, ICI, Leman Brothers, Asian Development Bank, Chase Manhattan, and so on. "
Across the table sat Suharto people by Rockefeller and other Jewish businessmen called 'Indonesian economists are corrupt'.
"In Geneva, the Indonesian team known as 'The Berkeley Mafia' because some of them had enjoyed a scholarship from the government of the United States to study at the University of California at Berkeley. They come as beggars who voiced the things desired by the employer present. Thrusting items that are sold from the state and the nation. Indonesian Economic Team offers: labor is plentiful and cheap, reserves and abundant natural resources, and a huge market. "
Still in quote John Pilger, "On the second day, the Indonesian economy has divided the sector by sector." Prof. Jeffrey Winters called it, "It's done in a very spectacular way."
"They are divided into five sections: mining in one room, services in another room, the only room in the light industry, banking and finance in another room; conducted by Chase Manhattan sits with a delegation that dictate policies that can accepted by them and other investors. We saw this big corporate leaders around from one table to another, saying, 'This is what we want, that's what we want, this, this, and this.' And they basically designed the legal infrastructure to invest. Obviously a very profitable legal products they. I have never heard of a situation like that before, where global capital sits with representatives of countries that are assumed as a sovereign state and design requirements for entry into their investment his own country. "
Freeportmendapatkan mountain of copper in West Papua (Henry Kissinger, the U.S. Jewish businessman, sitting on the Board of Commissioners). A European consortium get Nickel in West Papua. The giant Alcoa getting the lion's share of Indonesia's bauxite. A group of corporate America, Japan, and France get tropical forests in Kalimantan, Sumatra, and West Papua.
A law on foreign investment in a hurry presented to President Suharto made a foray country's government-sanctioned tax-free for five years. By Suharto, people are bombarded with propaganda development, Pancasila, dantrickle down effect to the increased well-being, but the fact that is actually happening on the ground in a systematic process of impoverishment of the people who made the Suharto regime. (Continued / rd)
On March 12, 1967, General Suharto was sworn in as President of the 2nd. Three months later, he formed the Presidential Economic Team of Experts consisting of Prof Dr. Widjojo Nitisastro, Prof. Dr.. Ali Ward, Prof. Dr. Moh. Sadli, Prof Dr. Soemitro Djojohadikusomo, Prof Dr. Subroto, Dr. Emil Salim, Drs. Frans Seda, and Drs. Prawiro. Pro capitalism entirely.
November 1967, Suharto's economic team was sent to Switzerland to meet the CEO of the International Jewish. UU PMA 1967, which is very beneficial imperialist West. Principles of Indonesia's economic independence fiercely guarded Bung Karno, was killed by General Suharto to make Indonesia as a country that is highly dependent on the West as a capitalist world power.
"New Indonesia" which is actually more pro-capitalism-has been designed since the 1950s. David Ransom in a popular article titled "Berkeley Mafia and the Indonesian Massacre in: New Trojan Horse of U.S. universities in Indonesia to" (Ramparts, 1970) explained that the U.S. uses two strategies to conquer Indonesia, of course, by getting rid of Bung Karno. First, build a group of like-minded Western intellectuals. And second, to build a single cell in an army that is ready to cooperate with the U.S..
The first orchestrated by various foundations such as the Ford Foundation scholarship and Rockefeller Foundation, also the U.S. top universities such as Berkeley, Harvard, Cornell, and MIT. David Ransom wrote, two prominent Indonesian Socialist Party (PSI), a small party of right-wing socialism, ie Soedjatmoko and Sumitro Djojohadikusomo spearhead the formation of a network of pro-Western intellectuals in Indonesia. They, thus Ransom, fostered by the United States since the late 1949's.
The second task is being transferred to the CIA. One agent named Guy Pauker, who joined the RAND Corporation approached a number of senior officers through one of those who said the CIA recruited, namely Deputy Dan Seskoad Kol. Soewarto. And Intel Achmad Soekendro also known to be close to the CIA. Through these people, so Ransom, U.S. gang, approached the military. Suharto was a pupil of Soewarto in Seskoad.
In this Seskoad the U.S. fostered intellectual given the opportunity to teach the officers. Formed the fabric of civilian-military cooperation between the pro-US. Post 1965 tragedy and massacre the people of Indonesia, who alleged communists, and the group began to build a 'New Indonesia'. The doctorate in economics who had guidance from Ford back to Indonesia and soon joined the group, among them Emil Salim.
General Suharto Trium-form Virat (with three-foot rule) by Adam Malik and Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX. Ransom wrote, "On 12 April 1967, the Sultan announced a very important political statement that the outline of the new regime's economic program which confirms they will bring Indonesia back into the lap of imperialism. Policy was written by Widjojo and Sadli."
Ransom went on, "In elaborating further economic program outlined recently in Sultan, the technocrats led by the U.S.. Currently preparing confusion Widjojo economic stabilization program, AID brought David Cole, an economist at Harvard who has just made banking regulations in South Korea to help Widjojo . Sadli also the same, despite the doctor, but still need "guidance". According to a U.S. Embassy employee, "Sadli really do not know how it should make a regulation of foreign investment. He should get a lot of the U.S. Embassy.
This is the initial stage of the program Five-Year Development Plan (Five-Year Plan) Suharto, compiled by the US-trained Indonesian economists, who still live dimbing by U.S. economists themselves with the cooperation of various foundations.
June 1968, General Suharto secretly and suddenly held a reunion with the people built Ford, known as the "Berkeley Mafia" (to design the composition of the Cabinet and the Development of key agencies other high level): the Ministry of Commerce appointed Dean of the UI Sumitro Djojohadikusomo (Doctor of Philosophy from Rotterdam), was appointed Chairman of IBRA Widjojo Nitisastro (Doctor of Philosophy Berkeley, 1961), Vice Chairman of BPN appointed Emil Salim (Doctor of Philosophy, Berkeley, 1964), Director of Marketing and Trade appointed Subroto (Doctor of Philosophy from Harvard, 1964), was appointed Finance Minister Ali Ward (Doctor of Philosophy, Berkeley, 1962), Chairman of the PMA Team Moh. Sadli (Master of Science, MIT, 1956), Secretary General of the Ministry of Industry appointed Barley Halim (MBA Berkeley, 1959), are Sudjatmoko, adviser Adam Malik, was appointed ambassador in Washington, key positions Jakarta-Washington axis.
Economic team "New Indonesia" bekeja with this directive from the Harvard Study Team Development (Development Advisory Service, DAS) which financed the Ford Foundation. "We're working behind the scenes," I DAS Deputy Director Gordon Lister. AS soon back up with all this new ruling power so that the stability of the Indonesian economy is deliberately undermined by the U.S. in the period before 1965 can be gradually restored.
They are the ones that are behind the five-year plans initiated in early 1969, with emphasis on foreign investment and self-sufficiency in agricultural products. In many cases, officials rely on central bureaucracy military officials in the affected areas to oversee the smooth running of the Ford program.
They work with local leaders consisting of the landlords and administrative officials. Forming new groups in areas that work to enrich himself and his family. Them, the group center and regional groups, symbiosis-mutualism. They also suppress the farmers who work in the field. (2)
New Order seeds grown on a pool of blood and tears of its people. Direction of development (Repelita) designed in accordance with the wishes of Washington with emphasis on the exploitation of the natural wealth of the Earth Indonesia all dredged it out and transported to the outside in order to enrich the Western countries.
Core shift in power from Sukarno to Suharto Major General principles of economic development is the change in Indonesia, from independence to dependence. April 1966 brought back Suharto Indonesia joins the United Nations. After that, in May 1966, Adam Malik announced that Indonesia took back the IMF. Though Bung Karno never drive them with the famous sentence: "Go to hell with your aid!"
To maintain the stability of looting the wealth of the country, the West designed the Five-Year Plan. Three-quarters of the budget Repelita I (1969-1974) derived from foreign debt. "The numbers swell to U.S. $ 877 million at the end of the period. In 1972, the newly acquired foreign debt since 1966 has exceeded current expenditure Sukarno ruled." (MC Ricklefs; History of Modern Indonesia, 1200-2004; Sept 2007).
In a matter of months after taking office, the new administration's tendency to enrich himself and his family growing craze. People who are poor get poorer, though officials are often told people to live simply, but their own lives were increasingly lavish. Honeymoon between Suharto with the students who used to support it quickly faded.
Students see this new ruling was wrong. Maintained and used as a military guard shields the status-quo. The political power of the people has been cut down by dibonsainya political parties until there are only three: Golkar, PPP, and PDI. "In February 1970, the government announced all public servants should be loyal to the government. Diizinan They do not join political parties other than Golkar," said Ricklefs.
Student protests were held in front of the Office of Commander Siliwangi and also the Office of the Governor of West Java, October 9, 1970, strongly criticized the behavior of the soldiers who were increasingly considered repressive. Was then presented eight demands: Kebalkah Armed Forces against the law! Why are uniforms considered more capable? Is the same uniform with the train tickets, cinema, bus, jitney? When ABRI change behavior? Who dare to regulate the Armed Forces? When there is a legal guarantee to the people? Already merdekakah us of the arbitrariness of law? "(Francois Raillon; Politics and Ideology of Indonesian Students 1966-1974; December 1985).
Raillon Francis writes, "Throughout 1972-1973 occurred around Suharto influence bone of contention between the 'group of Americans' fight 'Japanese group'. The first consists of a number of ministers and technocrats General, Commander Gen.. Soemitro one of them. A second group, led by President Aspri , Gen.. Murtopo, and Gen.. Soedjono Hoemardhani. "
Suharto was a very astute leader, and of course like a slippery eel that swam in a puddle of oil. He utilizes all the people who are around him in order to strengthen his own position. When overthrow Sukarno, Suharto mobilize military forces, pro-capitalist technocrats, and religious organizations, especially Muslims, to destroy Communism. But once in power, Muslims abandoned. Suharto instead embrace the power of the Crusader faction Pater Beek SJ and CSIS where Murtopo become elder, and then in the 1980s the central character will appear Islamophobia, Murtopo student, named General Leonardus Benny Moerdhani.
With the full support of the military-especially of course there is a price to be paid by Suharto, which divide the pie-corruption officers to the civilian power is meaningless. Anyone who opposed him, then immediately labeled as anti Pancasila. During the 1970's to the early 1980's, there was no meaningful civilian force capable of opposing Suharto. Shadow of mass killings Suharto army in late 1965 and early 1966 to create terror in the minds of its own people.
Nations and Character Building championed the founding of the republic in an instant destroyed by Suharto, and was replaced denganExploitation de L'Homee par L'Homee, exploitation stronghold ruling against small people. It should be underlined if the exploitation continues to be done by government elites and elite political parties to this day. Not surprisingly, there is now a straightforward if Suharto was his teacher.
Black notes about Suharto does not stop here. In upholding Human Rights (HAM) for example, the New Order regime in the 1980's very well known abroad as fascist-militarist regime, as Germany under Hitler, Italy under Mussolini, under Polpot Cambodia, and Chile under General Augusto Pinochet. This is confirmed Indonesianis French, Francois Raillon.
Even MCRicklefs, Australian historian, said that if the enforcement of its rights Suharto regime far worse than the Dutch colonial rulers. "New Order doing more punishment than the Dutch colonial government. New Order allow torture of political prisoners. Centralization of economic power, political, administrative, and military in the hands of a few elites in the Suharto was also greater than in the reign of the Dutch," said Ricklefs explore the many years of this nation's history since the time of the advent of Islam.
In the next article will be presented one by one "achievement" Suharto regime in human rights, especially concerning Muslims, illicit relations with the Zionist-Israel, and many others. (Continued / rd)
Notes to the Suharto regime's violations of human rights will commence from the eastern region of the country, namely Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD). Muslim human rights crimes on VOC Dutch Aceh preceded by, followed by the Old Order regime of Sukarno, and more cruelly persecuted during the reign of Suharto. Even in the era of General Suharto was the one, NAD is very instrumental in seizing and maintaining independence-especially from the financial point of view, because the NAD is also referred to as the 'Granary Money RI'-even used the firing range as Military Operation Area (DOM), 1989 -1998.
NAD is an area that is very rich in natural resources, namely oil and gas. As of the end of the 1980s, Aceh has accounted for more than 30% of total exports of oil and gas production in Indonesia. In 1971 in North Aceh discovered reserves of liquefied natural gas (LNG) which is very large. Mobil Oil, the U.S. mining company, was given the right to mengekploitasinya and within six years later KNG complex refineries are already operating in the area called Lhokseumauwe Industrial Zone (ZIL). In the same place, centuries ago, this is where the first Islamic kingdom Pasai Ocean stood, and now by Suharto handed natural wealth of this country that the U.S. is enormous.
Previously, in East Aceh, in the 30 years since 1961, Asamera, a Canadian oil company, has unearthed no less than 450 oil wells. Natural gas resources are found around the wells that are richer than the natural gas supplies in North Aceh. Factory production in the ASEAN Aceh Fertilizer nearly 90 percent are exported, and the expected sales of petrochemical complex aromatic chemicals at U.S. $ 200 million a year. Kraft Paper mill Aceh also has started producing cement paper sacks since 1989. Of saving wrapper cement imports only the government has made a profit U.S. $ 89 million a year, while exports of cement paper produces U.S. $ 43 million. Aceh in 1983 accounted for 11 percent of all Indonesian exports.
Suharto really know if Aceh's natural wealth was incredible. Therefore, the very greedy New Order regime constantly deplete this natural wealth. Ironically, almost all the gains from the exploitation of Aceh's natural wealth taken away to Jakarta. Acehnese people do not get anything. They still live in poverty and squalor. Government of Aceh, Jakarta, instead of returning money to the people of Aceh as the legal owner, but instead sent thousands of troops to fight the people of Aceh that was not helpless.
In the 1990s, from 27 provinces in Indonesia, Aceh province ranks 7th poorest in Indonesia. More than 40 percent of the 5,643 villages in Aceh have fallen below the poverty line. Only 10 percent of rural Aceh have power. ZIL in the region is only 20% of the population that gets clean water. The others got a supply of water from dug wells are often contaminated by waste industrial zone.
U.S. researchers, Tim Kell, in his report wrote, "Friction and values ​​clash ensued between the natives and the settlers. Migrants drank beer, dance-dances, inflating prices in the market. They live in luxury in an Acehnese poverty. Industry Waste contaminate the soil and into the wells natives. Pollution extends into the sea, damaging fishing land. Unemployment increased. Impoverishment continues. Industrialization failed Acehnese economy restructure fundamentally, because he was never a part of the native people of Aceh's economy ". This is one of the "outcomes" of development in Aceh Suharto regime.
Team objectively Kell continued, "In the 1940s the scholars PUSA has not disappointed on the implementation of Islamic law in Indonesia. In 1950, Aceh's provincial status revoked and was merged into the province of North Sumatra. Civil administration, defense, and economy, taken from the sphere of influence of PUSA. disappointment over this kind of treatment, and anxiety will lose its identity, led to a rebellion in Aceh in 1953 under the leadership of David Beureueh. "
Under the Suharto regime, the General brought the ideology of development and political stability, and with blinders on the "centralized-Majapahit", Suharto same regard all people, all regions, all tribes, all organizations, including Aceh. Suharto's assume everything is the same as "Majapahit".

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