After the death of Suharto Suharto family: Steep Road of Life?

RIMANEWS-How continuity Cendana family life-or rather six sons and daughters-Siti Hartinah Suharto-after former New Order ruler dies. Will divorce cases occurred again among the children, grandchildren, even great-grandchildren Suharto? Example is the case of divorce hottest Cendana second son, Bambang Trihatmodjo with Halimah Agustina Kamil who has passed the imposition of divorce by the religious court. However, Halimah choose colling down by a sense of concern over the state law. Will Halimah against her ex-husband after a tackle Mayangsari into Cendana, just a matter of time.
Sandalwood is mesmerizing. At least 32 years of Soeharto glory. Bit of news that had escaped out a new sound after Siti Hartinah, or Mrs. Tien Soeharto died 28 April 1996. Divorce cases Ari Sigit, grandson of Soeharto second son, Sigit Haryojudanto, from his wife Gusti Maya Firanti Noor.
Uncovered later, before she married Gusti Maya, Ari Sigit've got a daughter of pesinetron Anissa Trihapsari. Divorce was followed by marriage Ari Sigit with Callebout Rica, niece sex bomb actress, Dorris Callebout.
Suharto another grandson, Danty Rukmana, second son Siti Hardiyanti Hastuti or Tutut, Big Dipper household did not last long. Danty Indriastuti Purnama Sari Rukmana divorced from Triyono in 2000. Then married again in 2001 with Adrianto.
After that, a divorce after divorce is not a taboo anymore for Cendana family. The point of marriage was followed by Prabowo Bubrah. Tommy wedding followed by Tata, and last marriage with Bambang Tri Halimah after all this time he married menduakannya with siri Mayangsari, singer from Purwokerto, Central Java.
The following genealogy Cendana clan and their gait:
Siti Hardiyanti Hastuti - Indra RukmanaChildren:Dandy Rukmana married IndriaDanty Indriastuti Purnama Sari Rukmana. Married with Triyono on March 28, 2000, shortly after the end of the divorced and remarried in 2001 Danty with Adrianto Supoyo.Danny Ben Hendro Utomo Rukmana married to Luciana Lulu Tobing, 16 September 2006.Better known by the name of Sister Tutut, Soeharto's first daughter was born on January 23, 1949.
Indra Rukmana Tutut married and has three children. The way she dressed that remains the same from the first seems to be a hallmark of Tutut. Veil draped on the head plus Muslim fashion patterned. Plus round glasses that never changed over the decades. Indra Rukmana Tutut infect a businessman to do business bandwagon.
In 1983 he founded the Image Leucaena Gung Persada, which is engaged in many fields such as telecommunications, infrastructure, agribusiness, paper and pulp, and several others. But this group was famous for the cultivation of the highway construction. When his father was in power, Tutut been appointed Minister of Social Affairs. Tutut has an apartment in London and luxury homes in Boston.
Sigit Harjojudanto - Elsje Anneke RatnawatiChildren:Ari Sigit Wibowo Haryo Harjojudanto. Married with Gusti Maya Firanti Noor and has three children. However, they divorced in 2001. Ari then married again with Callebout Rica on 13 September 2003. Previously, the man who was once associated with Trihapsari Annisa, and produced a daughter named Danya Sekar Taji were born in Singapore's Mount Elizabeth Hospital on May 31, 1993. Sekar now cared for Sister Tutut.Sigit Aryo Seto HarjojudantoRetnosari Widowati Harjojudanto-often known as Eno Sigit-Fahmi David married 22 September 2002
Suharto's second son, and Siti Hartinah spouse was born on May 1, 1951. Elsje married to Anneke Ratnawati, whom he married when they were both still fairly teenager, has just completed high school. Sigit is a sports fan, especially football and basketball. Because of his love of football, he also founded the Arseto, who took the name of his son, Ario and Seto. He also served as Chairman of the club Arseto, Chief Project Officer PSSI, PSSI chairman Galatama Daily, First Chairman PB PSSI, PSSI Garuda Head of Projects, Project Head of the Youth and Adult Sports PSSI Best 1983. Sigit famous in his youth fond of gambling. Where this habit SDSB lottery raises quite controversial in the 1990s. Although initially designed to cover sports, but the lottery was discontinued in 1993 because it is considered the same as gambling. Sigit has two luxury homes in East Finchley London, and a home worth $ 9 million in Los Angeles.
Bambang TrihatmodjoWife:Halimah Agustina Kamil. Married October 24, 1981 and divorced January 16, 2008Children:1. Gendis Siti Hatmanti married with Arief Abrams2. Panji Adhikumoro Trihatmodjo3. Bambang Aditya TrihatmantoMayangsari, siri married July 7, 2000Children: Siti Khirani Hartina TrihatmodjoSuharto third child born in 1953 is most commonly adorn and infotainment gossip columns in the last three years. At the start of the spread of the photographs lovingly with Mayangsari singer, to request a divorce from Halimah had granted last week. Bambang into a conglomerate with the largest stock master Bimantara Group. Companies that spanned the fields of infrastructure, chemicals, telecommunications, multimedia, hotels, television stations, mining, property, and consumer goods. So rich he is rumored to have a penthouse worth 8 million U.S. dollars in Singapore, a $ 12 million dollar home in Los Angeles that America is just two houses from the residence of Rod Stewart.

* Siti Hediati Hari (Point)Born in Semarang, 14 April 1959 which was the fourth child of six children when Soeharto, his father served as Commander of the TT-IV / Diponegoro. Point married to Prabowo, May 1983 ago and had a child, Didiet Prabowo. Didiet spent most of his school years in Boston, USA. Point-Prabowo pair eventually divorced, shortly after the May 1998 riots and the resignation of President Suharto.Prabowo is considered as a 'traitor' because it contributed to the resignation of Suharto that affect relationship with point, his wife at the time. In November 2001, the National Police investigators examine the case of escape of Tommy Suharto, his brother, because the murder of judges who adjudicate Tommy Syafiuddin Kartasasmita guilty and a prison sentence of 10 years. Point in July 2005 as chief commissioner of PT Abhitama buy ownership shares of PT Surya Citra Media Tbk amounting to 25 percent of the private Henry, which is equivalent to 473 437 500 shares (price of Rp 1,225 per share). Now share ownership of PT Abhitama increased to be 77.49 percent. Other business forays into the forest, chemistry, finance, investment, electricity, and transportation.
* Hutomo Mandala Putra (Tommy)The fifth son of Suharto-Siti Hartinah than two of the most popular brother the other, and Bambang Sigit Hardjojudanto Trihadmojo because of its proximity to many beautiful women. Married to Raden Maya Ardhia Pramesti Regita Cahyani (Tata), 30 April 1997, and is blessed with two children and Radhiana Gayanti Mangkuluhur Darma. In addition, Tommy dikabarnya had two children from two different women outside the marriage official. One daughter of Sandy Harun (former model) and one boy, Alif, from Lani Banjaranti.

He had served prison time from 2002-2006 the murder conviction of Judge Syafiuddin Kartasasmita (July 26, 2001), possession of illegal firearms and ammunition, and fled after the guilty verdict on the case of swaps PT Goro Batara Sakti that involve him. He was released on parole on October 30, 2006 under the supervision and guidance Correctional Center (Bapas) Salemba until his term ends in October 2008. Tata officially ended his marriage in September 2006 and the twisted child custody cases and the difficulty encountered two sons who now lives in Singapore with his ex-wife.Sharp criticism peaked above her roles in the business world, when he got a special facility to develop the Timor national car passing PT Timor Putra Nasional armed Presidential Instruction No. 2 of 1996 which was signed by his father, who made a tax-free business. Not to mention the action of trading monopolies and distribution of farmers to plant clove cigarettes via Clove Marketing Board (BPPC). This business was disbanded at the insistence of the IMF. Overlays motion business with the flag fluttering Tommy Humpuss Group began the transportation sector, trade, construction, property, finance, and automotive.
* Siti Hutami Endang Adiningsih (Mamiek)Youngest son who was born last August 23, 1964. Mamiek married to an engineer named Pratikno Singgih in 1990. Marriage blessed with a son wiratama Hadi Ramanto (Wira). Pratikno Mamiek and eventually divorced, long before a successful Wira troop flag raisers heirloom (Paskibraka) on August 17, 2007 and, in Anniversary-62 RI at the Presidential Palace. On August 16, 2001, was forced to undergo Mamiek City Police regarding the case of the discovery of Tommy guns and safes in the apartment ownership Fir, Menteng, Central Jakarta with her sister, Siti Hediati alias point.Compared to his older brother's business empire, plunging Mamiek very late. Business he has now 'just' fruit garden Sari Blooms of 3,000 acres in Cullinan, Bogor. The initial goal for the manufacture of recreational parks and promote research on botany in 1995. With Mangala Group Kridha Yudha, the youngest daughter of Suharto's 34-year-old plantation business areas, transportation, warehousing, and tourism. Estimated total wealth of the IPB graduate agricultural engineer reached more than Rp 100 billion. tis / DTA
Of Ditje Up MayangsariAlluring fragrant sandalwood Celebrities
In the golden era of Soeharto as President, not denied, many women-especially among artists - to its knees under the heel of the men of 'breeds' this Cendana. And apparently still fragrant sandalwood wafted when Suharto stepped down from the leadership of this country, in 1996 ago.
Gossip often among the most widely Hutomo Mandala Putra or who is familiarly called Tommy. In addition to having a pretty face, as the president-time children's - Tommy certainly believed deep pockets. No wonder make anyone want to close and have it.Mustafa is a beautiful artist who managed to bang Ita Tommy attention. Despite their adjacent house (then living in Jalan Tanjung Ita, Menteng, Central Jakarta on Jalan Cendana being Tommy) Tommy could not make direct menyatroni idol. They say if you want an apple that is advanced first aide or bodyguard Tommy.
Not infrequently fellow racers or businessmen who picked singer Aida Mustafa's sister and Tommy wait somewhere. Target is of course to avoid reporters and photographers as meal gossip bad for Cendana family.But relations Shortly Lives Again movie star is reportedly not sanctioned Cendana family. Cendana also dislike the singer Maya Rumantir diperlihatan the following entry in the life of Tommy Suharto.
Minahasa bloody singer is quite long associated with Tommy. In fact, reportedly has one child of an extramarital affair. In fact, since the child was born, Maya has frequently appeared in the scope of the Cendana family. One proof, many Maya photos on display at the house. Same with Ita Mustafa, a relationship that supposedly can not be the blessing of Mrs. Tien it eventually failed anyway.
While still in a story of love with Maya Rumantir, Tommy apparently also 'adventure' with Nia Zulkarnain. Predictably, Maya Rumantir who has lived one house with Tommy and have kids feel wasted. Because of this, he was furious and terrorize Nia Zulkarnaen in various ways.
After Ita Mustafa, Maya Rumantir, and Nia Zulkarnaen, followed later by Sandy Aaron Jenny Rachman. Beyond that, there is still a name Lanny Banjaranti. The latter, could even claim to have children from the results of its unofficial relationship with Tommy.Outside broke down, the official Tommy just married a beautiful virgin bleed blue. In 1997, the Suharto family applying for RA Ardhia Pramesti Regita Cahyani or who is familiarly called Tata. Princess Solo is the daughter RM Bambang Sucahyo Adjie Suryobandono. Of Tata, Tommy had two sons.
When Tommy Nusa Kambangan languishing in prison, the news spread their rift. One reason, the emergence of the figure of Sandy Harun. In fact, it was later revealed, Tommy married Sandy in siri, In fact they already have a child named Princess Modiyanti.
Sandy desperately trying to convince the audience, is the flesh and blood Modiyanti with Tommy. To convince the public, Sandy finally reveal evidence of photographs and video footage of her marriage to Tommy. After the confession, Sandy stated relationship with Tommy close the book.
Cendana charm is also attached to the other self-grandchildren Soeharto, Ari Sigit. Eldest son Sigit-Elsye Harjojudanto is officially married Rika Callebout (nephew of actress Doris Callebout) dated 13 September 2003. As well as the experienced Tommy, Ari-Rican love story did not go smoothly. Because when it still existed as Ari's wife Gusti Maya Firanti Noor.Divorce Ari and Maya were already awarded three kids that was going pretty tough and had ditingkahi seizure of children. Ari reasons sued for divorce, because Maya was involved in drugs.
Before Rika entered in the 'palace' Cendana, there have actually been other women in addition to Ari, who is now the Tribanowati Annisa renames so Annisa Trihapsari. Although not up to the level of marriage, their relationship had produced a child named Sekar ago raised Siti Hardijanti Rukmana (Sister Tutut).
Sekar later rumored affair with Dwi Andhika soap opera actor. However, Dwi Andhika hastily clarified that their relationship is merely friendship. This is evidenced by its proximity to the artist Poppy Flower. Although later they finally broke up. While Annie has itself become the wife of Sultan Djorghi.
Artist who also knees under the spell of 'sandalwood prince' is Luciana Lulu Tobing. Danny Ben Hendro Utomo is commonly called Danny Rukmana successful Lulu edit and insert Batak blooded girl born in Cilacap (Central Java) in the Cendana family environment right on 16 September 2006.
Danny bond-Lulu romance actually has happened time movie star Just once I want to kiss this be a teen magazine cover girl. They then dating, but broke up in the middle of the road. Their love blossomed again which was colored by issues that the two families did not approve because of the difference between their beliefs. This polemic finally over when Lulu willing converts.
As if not to be outdone by her sister, Dandy Rukmana also targeting celebrities to be their partner. Selected and was Denisa Suwandhi, sister Gladys Suwandhi artist. Unfortunately their relationship did not continue to the altar, because Dandy eventually married another woman, Indria.
Fragrant sandalwood were also attracted the attention of a beautiful artist Laudya Cynthia Bella. Virgin movie star is reportedly in close contact with Panji Trihatmodjo. At her sister's wedding, Gendis, Panji had brought Bella. But when in the Lulu-Danny Wedding, Panji even seen holding tenderly Revalina S Temat. As if to dispel the rumor, My love soap star in Blue Campus is now familiar with the star Ringo Agus Rahman Singles.
News most brand that is now enjoyed by the public is still rife aftermath of the wedding Panji father. Bambang Trihatmodjo relationship with sexy actress Mayangsari the cash makes Halimah so inflamed. Especially when Mayang childbearing and Khirani named Siti Hartina Trihatmodjo.
Strangely, despite berated Mayangsari occupied homes with Bambang Trihatmodjo, Halimah yet determined to maintain the household. Proved when Bambang filed suit for divorce, Halimah insistent refused.
Victim was DitjeLong before the crown prince broke ganjing this, we will recall a great romance scandal that broke out in the latter half of the 1980s. A beautiful photo models named Ditje Muljono tragically killed. The killing was mentioned by someone to cover the Cendana family disgrace, because, reportedly, it has a beautiful model of a family affair with sandalwood.
Mother of two children found dead with five gunshot wounds in his body on 8 September 1986. And, the accused is Mochamman Siradjuddin, a psychic who is familiarly called Mr. De.
However, the news circulating that Mr. De simply scapegoats deliberately sacrificed. In the middle of the murder trial, which was widely circulated newspaper was deliberately exterminated Ditje to close Cendana family disgrace. One of the Cendana family law, was said to have knocked Ditje.
Ditje was not only 'familiar' with the Cendana family law. Some of the names who had an intimate relationship with, among others, a national businessman, brother of former President Suharto. In addition, there are other names, an Air Force marshal.The TEMPO magazine, Mr De said Ditje already regarded as his own child. To Mr. De, Ditje talked about his relationship with the three men. Even Mr. De was also told by Ditje about 'taripnya' once dating. "Reaching 10 to Rp 20 million," said Mr De told TEMPO.
When recognition is confirmed, the national employers denied and claimed not to know Ditje.Although the firm said a number of names a figure close to Ditje, Mr. De reluctant to accuse anyone with murder upon the model. "Fear of sin!" He said.
Rahayu EffendiProverb fruit does not fall far from the tree can be fitted to describe the 'adventure of love' Cendana family. Fall up to the prince and princess in the scope of this Cendana though not free from gossip romance between Soeharto (deceased) with a beautiful artist Rahayu Effendi. That said, the engagement secretly love it angered the First Lady, Mrs. Tien Soeharto. Peak, Bu Tien and her children call firefighters to spray houses in the area Simprug Rahayu Effendi, Jakarta. In fact, when the Suharto reportedly, was in the house.
"From this event, UU eventually leading to monogamous marriage. Reportedly artist Dede Yusuf is the child of an affair between Rahayu Effendi with Suharto," wrote someone on a mailing list.
The issue was of course made a red Dede Yusuf. As published in, Dede who is now a member of the House of Representatives by jokingly saying: "My father named Tami Effendi who had died in 1993. He was director at the Taman Ismail Marzuki. Perhaps because my father was not an ordinary person then terekpos, different from my mother an artist, "so he explained.
When the now legitimate 'maharaja' has gone, the question is, masihkah sandalwood scent sparked fragrance? Shall Suharto's sons and daughters and grandchildren so the attraction for artists and celebrities? (Source: Hamzah Palalloy,

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