The greatness and the legacy of President Suharto's New Order of the Age of Glory


The greatness of the military heritage of the Great General Soeharto
Gen.. Retired military great. Haji Muhammad Suharto was the second President of Indonesia (1967-1998), replacing Sukarno. In the international world, especially in the Western World, Soeharto often referred to as the popular "The Smiling General" ("The Smiling General") because his face is always smiling in the face the press in any official state event.
Before becoming president, Suharto was a military leader during the occupation of Japan and the Netherlands, with the rank of Major General. After the 30 September Movement, Suharto stated that PKI is the responsible party and led the operation to put it down. The operation killed more than 500,000 people. Suharto then seized power from Sukarno, and officially became president in 1968. He was re-elected by the Assembly in 1973, 1978, 1983, 1988, 1993, and 1998. In 1998, his term ends after resigning on May 21 that year, following the May 1998 riots and the occupation of DPR / MPR building by thousands of students. He is the longest in the Indonesian presidency. Suharto was replaced by B.J. Habibie.
Suharto relics still debated to this day. In his reign, the so-called New Order, Soeharto build a stable country and achieve economic progress and infrastructure. Suharto also restrict freedom of Indonesian citizens of Chinese descent, occupied East Timor, and is considered the most corrupt regimes of all time with the amount of U.S. $ 15 billion to U.S. $ 35 billion. [3] Efforts to prosecute Suharto failed due to poor health. After suffering a long illness, he died of a multifunctional organ failure in Jakarta on January 27, 2008.This is the greatness of President Suharto's legacy

Rome, Italy, 14 November 1985. Winter smothered the city of Rome when it helped the body of every participant bite-23 Conference to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Not less than 165 member countries send representatives to the event that caught the attention of the world's eyes to Indonesia at that time. President Suharto of Indonesia who successfully led the largest of the importer to self-sufficiency in the world lined up to advance to the podium to give his speech. He handed over one million tons of dry paddy (rice) from farmers to give to the people of Africa who suffer from hunger.
"If the development of the food sector is considered successful, it is a giant work of the entire Indonesian nation," said President Suharto in a speech. Therefore, FAO reward that success with a special award in the form of gold medals on July 21, 1986. Suharto achievements in agriculture is fantastic or terrible. Indonesia self-sufficient taste great start 1984. Big production that year reached 25.8 million tons. In fact, the data in 1969 Indonesian rice produced only 12.2 million tonnes. Results were forced Indonesia to import rice at least 2 million tons.
Consequently, on March 10, 1988, Suharto was re-elected as president by the MPR for the fifth time. Handed over to the position of vice president Sudharmono. Once again, the eyes of the world turned again to Soeharto. Because success in the implementation of population and family planning program, President Soeharto received individual award plaque at the Headquarters of the United Nations (UN) in New York on June 8, 1989. "The increase in food production will not mean much if the uncontrolled population growth," said Suharto.
He was awarded the UN Population Award, the highest honor the United Nations in the field of population. The award was presented by the Secretary-General, Javier de Cueller at UN Headquarters in New York to coincide with the anniversary of the 68th Suharto on June 8, 1989. Suharto increasingly ogled while successfully upholding the dignity of the Indonesian nation in Asia economic background. In ASEAN, he is credited to participate in developing this regional organization to reckon with in the world. "Without the kindness and the presence of Soeharto, we will spend a lot of rations gross domestic product on defense," said Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating when it. Paul Keating called Suharto as a "father".
In his book, Suharto; Political Biography, Robert Edward Elson wrote, "Suharto is a very important figure during the twentieth century in Asia." Two U.S. Presidents, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan Suharto also praised the breakthrough. However, Suharto claimed children of farmers with common values ​​who do not ambition to master the Indonesian state and precedes the interests of the nation. "I was at home, in between the wife and the kids feel as normal, just by chance given kepecayaan by the people to lead this country as President," said Suharto in a colloquium on Memorial Day Mother's 67th in Kirkcaldy District, the District Mojokerto, East Java on December 22, 1989.
Therefore, on 14 September 1991, President Soeharto refused U.S. requests to obtain military bases in Indonesia after moving from the Philippines. Suharto elected by the Assembly as president for a sixth time on March 10, 1993. This time, Try Sutrisno as vice president. After six consecutive set MPR as president, Suharto began to declare if he is not ambitious to be president for life (March 12, 1994). At this period of his leadership, President Soeharto dismiss Prof Dr Satrio Budiharjo Joedono as Trade Minister before the end of term (December 6, 1995).
Suharto, who started his power as acting president on March 12, 1967 and became president on March 27, 1968 continued to hold the post for 31 years. Originally there were estimates that Suharto would reject his nomination as president for the sixth period in 1998 after his wife died on 28 April 1996. Estimates were wrong. When he reached 75 years old, he was not only willing to accept to be nominated again but was reinstated as president for the 1998-2003 period. He received a Five-Star or rank conferment Major General at the age of 76 years (39 September 1997).
As president of Indonesian politics for more than 30 years, Suharto Indonesia has many historical influences. With the takeover of power from Sukarno, Suharto with support from the United States to combat communism and forbids the establishment of the communist party. Maketh East Timor as the 27th province (at the time) was also done because of concern that the party Fretilin (Frente Revolucinaria De Timor Leste Independente / party socialist-communist-leaning) will rule there if left free. [May 2008] This has resulted in claimed hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties. [May 2008] System running authoritarian Soeharto in his reign made him popular with the title "Father", which in the long term lead to decision-making in the House at that time called the connotative by Indonesian society as a system "ABS "or" Origin Mr Happy ".
Health field to control the population of Indonesia, Suharto began a campaign of family planning that encourages each couple to have a child to taste 2. This is done to avoid a population explosion that eventually can lead to a variety of problems, ranging from hunger, disease until the damage to the environment.
In the field of education education project pioneered Soeharto Compulsory aimed at increasing the average level of graduate school children in Indonesia. At first, the project is exempt students from tuition basic education (Education Funding Contribution) so that the children of poor families are able to attend school. This later developed into the 9-year compulsory education.
The Glory of the New Order era

During his rule, President Suharto set economic growth as the government's main tasks and objectives. He raised a lot of technocrats and economists who previously opposed to President Sukarno, who tend to be socialist. Technocrats who are generally well educated and liberal west (United States) was appointed Berkeley graduates so they are known in economics as the Berkeley Mafia Click on the Economy, Finance and Industry of Indonesia.
At the time, Indonesia economic and financial assistance from donor countries (developed countries) that joined the Dalan IGGI sponsored by the Dutch government. But in 1992, IGGI stopped by the Indonesian government as it is considered to interfere in Indonesia's internal affairs, especially in the case of East Timor, after Dili incident. IGGI role is replaced by CGI donors who sponsored the French.
In addition, Indonesia has received assistance from other international agencies under the UN such as UNICEF, UNESCO and WHO. But unfortunately, the failure of economic management, which is based in the trickle down effect systems (trickle down) are concerned with the growth and management of the economy as well as in a handful of poor economic management and trade finance industry (EKUIN) government, making Indonesia ultimately depend on international donors, especially the post-crisis , 1997.
In the economic field as well, having recorded Indonesia self-sufficient in rice in 1984. But that achievement was not maintained in subsequent years. Indonesia's economic progress then it is considered so significant that Indonesia had entered the country near New Industrial countries along with Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand, in addition to Singapore, the Republic of China, and South Korea.
On the political front, President Soeharto did the unification of political parties at the time it was known that the three political parties namely the United Development Party (PPP), Functional Group (Golkar) and the Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI) in an attempt to simplify the political life in Indonesia as a result of President Sukarno's political future that uses multi-party system resulted in the rise and fall of the cabinet and is considered the cause of the stagnant development. Law and Politics then dikeluarkannnya Pancasila as the sole principle that characterizes the political life of the time. But along the way, there was a disparity in political life where comes the term "single majority" in which Golkar made castrate two main parties and other political parties in every organization ELECTION. Grievances arise, however, may be muted by the system at that time.
Along with the rising level of education during his reign as economic growth, comes the criticism and discontent over inequality inequality in development. Economic inequality, social and political circles bring disgruntled and demanding improvements. Later in his reign, there appeared the violence in society generally full of political interests, than does the dissatisfaction of the people.

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