Political Parties To Delicious my day?, RI Glory Rindu Soeharto Period?

                                       Sumber gambar : http://media.viva.co.id/thumbs2/2011/06/10/113080_soeharto-tengah-beristirahat-di-tengah-tengah-kunjungannya-ke-daerah_663_382.jpg

Many people considered good Suharto era. Everything is cheap. All dimensions of the order of statehood goes well.
While on the other hand also no less than a number of people judge Soeharto era was over periods of endless torture. They gave labeled as a dictator Suharto, an authoritarian, cruel, violent and corrupt.
Punishment obtain any disgruntled people Suharto did not stop there, they punish socially Soeharto family and colleagues with minor prediket through as "crony Suharto."

Time goes by no matter who leads the country Soeharto replacement. Slowly but surely, one by one people started to tingle instinct to compare the present with the past. People-at least-had entered puberty by the end of the Soeharto government, little or not would still be stored on the memory situation of the country and the people of Indonesia in various dimensions in the Suharto era.
Most people quietly began to miss the presence of the figure of leadership and the condition of the country in his time president Suharto. Kerindun they express it through various forms and styles. One style that longing is found to contain a number of mural paintings subtle but sharp criticism but entertaining genre of picture Suharto.
Various posts (murals, and paintings graiti) flicked, sharp and entertaining the Mass "Delicious and my day, to ..?" Or "Pripun Kabaré, Kepenak to my age?" There are many others with the same inscription pitched but with additional words said a little long so it is not easy or practical to diiingat.
Palatable to my day, has become a slogan which accommodates a number of expectations in the heyday of our country in the Suharto era. Regardless of the number of errors (if you do not deserve to be called the silliness) that occurred Soeharto era, the position must be recognized Indonesian nation and state is being jaya-prime.
Some things are still fresh in our minds are:

Suharto Dwi objective with a policy of combining politics with the success of the economy. Although it will run but recently emerged corruption involving cronies and colleagues.

Exploitation of natural resources in the extreme to boost economic growth steady. Despite the fact that economic growth is uneven in some areas with other areas is undeniably true.

Empower the role of the military in government to improve the discipline of the state apparatus, although there is no doubt that the placement was once spawned command line similar to military rule into the government.

Crack down on thugs and vandals, including security networks security penacau despite the fact that later led to the violation of Human Rights and kontraprodukti with democratic principles.

Give attention to agriculture and fishing as well as medium sized businesses down even though it was impressed that people do not think politics.

Elevate and reputation in the eyes of neighboring countries (regional) and internsional in the military and defense even if it creates conspiracy in procuring equipment.

Provide opportunities and facilities for foreign investors to invest and open a factory or doing business in Indonesia, although there are indications of cheating later on with the theme of "Ten Percent," to facilitate any business.

Dampen any turbulence in the country with a rapidly despite efforts finally found some things that are sometimes not the right target.

Depress the prices of basic necessities and distribution stability in the long term, including maintaining and disribusi fuel prices. Although ultimately this led procurement network monopolized by cronies and colleagues.

Create and prioritize the ummah religious harmony and mutual respect through the principle of Pancasila Pancasila though in the end it is never fully embedded in the hearts of the majority of Indonesian society.
Time passed until finally four presidents have come and (will) go after another leaving their history.
President BJ Habibie, who replaced him famous and energetic and sympathetic intellect. He also ruled that only less than 2 years old should undergo assessment odor due to alleged involvement in the release provnisi East Timor (now Timor Leste).
President KH Abdurrahman Wahid or Gusdur, famous for his skill in diplomacy and embrace the opponent and friend. Unfortunately a number of minor value did not escape attached to him. One of which he considered to be authoritative and inconsistent in managing domestic political rhythm.
Megawati Sukarnoputri. Inheriting blood incarnation of the legendary President of Indonesia (Soekarno) in unity with the great themes of nationalism. He did not escape the spotlight, cynical mixed minor due to too weak in foreign policy. Some people judge Megawati more altruistic than the national party.
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) come up with a theme of pro-democracy and freedom. In his first ruling perama period, most Indonesian people seemed to reinvent themselves and the nation state is never lost in the previous decades. Premises communities find hope and dreams are priceless. On SBY pitted and left our nation's hopes and dreams in every way.
SBY will but certainly not alone in charge of managing the nation and the country. Various political interests contained in a number of ministers in the cabinet of various parties have made a real dilemma SBY and conservative in running kebijakannnya.
Not to mention the role of the Parliament and other institutions are much higher pemeintah compromised by the interests of the political party that carries SBY SBY has made as if they owe. Slowly but surely the light began to fade and SBY also lived through the days until the end of July 2014 there are going to come.
Four post-Soeharto presidents leave their state and nation for ever have made most people in this country comparative analysis. What results they get from the comparison it may be very subjective, as with the majority of this nation are also considered the dark side of Soeharto as something that is not entirely true.
Look at some of the records are public record fourth mennggantikan president Soeharto. Inspect one by one what is the negative side of what happened during Suharto's successor president?
We certainly do not legalize any mistake made by a president of the state and the nation mempin. However, from the human side we believe the president is a human being. Certainly no president is perfect, is not it?
But on the whole of the four presidents Soeharto replacement if we're honest, we missed the fact whether the presence positive side back in the various dimensions of the state and nation as the Soeharto era?
If it is true of us missed the presence of back atmosphere and conditions positi sides of the Soeharto era, where do we channel these aspirations?

Aspirations through writing, is common.

Aspirations through murals and graffiti-bricked walls and the back of public buses, public transportation and trucking, also was used.

Soeharto era longing aspirations through the arts (poetry and song) is also very often happens.
Is it able to accommodate all of the fulfillment of a sense of longing in the past? If not, it seems necessary an umbrella organization capable people who missed the Soeharto era. Maybe if one day the community is large, growing and developing, he will become a political party aspirations Delicious my day, To? Hehehehehehe ....
Regards Kompasiana

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